Swayambhunath promounced as “Swa – yam- bhoo- nath” or the Self Created one is a famous stupa in Kathmandu. This stupa also known as the Monkey Temple is believed to have been built atop a self existent flame which also…

Swayambhunath promounced as “Swa – yam- bhoo- nath” or the Self Created one is a famous stupa in Kathmandu. This stupa also known as the Monkey Temple is believed to have been built atop a self existent flame which also…
Lord Buddha spent 25 rainy seasons in Sravasti. The rainy season is known as Vassavasa in Buddhist referring to the monsoon months when the entire Buddhist Sangha congregated in one place since the monks could not travel during that time…
Royal Retreat, Kapilvastu is an amazingly beautiful hotel located about 20 mins away from the main town of Kapilvastu. This 19th century, summer retreat tucked away in idyllic settings is a perfect place to rest and reflect during the journey…
After a few days in Bodhgaya we were headed to Vaishali. Named after the ancient king Vishala, Vaishali occupies a significant place in the evolution of Buddhism. The journey through the rural heartland of Bihar was a mix of dusty…
Kapilvastu in India is across the border from Lumbini in Nepal. Lord Buddha born as Siddhartha Gautama was born to Shuddhodhana the chief of Shakya clan who ruled in that area. The young prince spent his early years in Kapilvastu…
Lord Buddha turned the Wheel of Law in Sarnath when he delivered his first sermon Dhammachakkapavattana Sutta to his first 5 disciples on the 4 Noble Truths (suffering, cause of suffering, end of suffering and the the path to the…
On the eve of Lord Buddha’s Birth Anniversary, I remember my trip to Bodhgaya where he was enlightened. He was born in Lumbini on a full moon day in the month of April-May and years later enlightened in Bodhgaya on the…
“Sleep” brings to my mind the reclined statue of Lord Buddha in Kushinagar, India where he is believed to have attained Nirvana and left his physical body. Kushinagar is an important stop in a Buddhist Pilgrimage. Lord Buddha attained…
I was in Jetavana, Shravasti on a cool February evening. Jetavana is the second monastery donated to Lord Buddha. Currently, the ruins of the erstwile monastery is preserved in a huge garden in Sravasti, a district town located about 150kms…
Lord Buddha was born in Lumbini Grove on a full moon day in the month of April-May in 563 BC as Prince Siddhartha to Queen Maya Devi and King Suddhodana of the Shakya Clan. Lumbini is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site located in…