Swayambhunath promounced as “Swa – yam- bhoo- nath” or the Self Created one is a famous stupa in Kathmandu. This stupa also known as the Monkey Temple is believed to have been built atop a self existent flame which also…

Swayambhunath promounced as “Swa – yam- bhoo- nath” or the Self Created one is a famous stupa in Kathmandu. This stupa also known as the Monkey Temple is believed to have been built atop a self existent flame which also…
On the 6th Day after the new moon (Diwali) in the month of October – November, some regions of India celebrate Chhath Festival which is a 4 day worship of Sun. It is done twice a year sometime between the…
On a dark moonless night in the month of October- November an entire country lights up through its length and breadth to celebrate Diwali or Deepawali (row of lamps). Yes, it is India, where in different corners of the country,…
I revere fire be it the one in my belly which sustains me or the one in my heart that shows me the way or the one that I light every evening symbolically. Fire is one of the elements of nature…
A couple of days ago, the autumnal festive season was kicked off in India with the worship of Lord Ganesha, a revered god in Hinduism. He is worshiped specially sometime in the end of Aug-early September which is believed to…
A few months ago, I visited Rameshwaram, a small island off the eastern coast of India. This temple town named after the famous mythological hero Lord Rama is connected to mainland by a nearly 100 year old (1914) railway link…
During a recent visit to Indore in India, one evening we walked into the 9th century Annapurna Devi Temple. The goddess here symbolizes food, blessing devotees to be always abundant with food at home. We were greeted with peppy drum beats…
I have decided to have a category for Unsung Heroes in my blog in gratitude for the people who often work in the background to make a trip memorable. More often than not, they are doing their job but somewhere…
The first part of the Kailash Parikrama journey is At the feet of the Mystic Mountain (Part 1). Sometime at midnight, the much anticipated restful sleep in Deraphuk turned out to be otherwise. I had an attack of mountain sickness with…
My feelings towards mountains have matured over the years from fear to awe to love. I have enjoyed being around the Himalayas and the Alps,watching the peaks glow every morning and evening under the warm rays of the sun. However,…