Awesome Blog Content Award

ABC AwardA very special thanks to Anil C M who nominated me for this award. He has an awesome photoblog. It was a kind gesture on his part which left me surprised, happy and motivated to write more.

The rules are simple:

  • Add the ABC logo to your new blog post.
  • Write one word or a phrase about yourself that begins with A, B, C, etc.
  • Nominate some blogs.
  • Leave a comment on those blogs to let them know!

It was an extremely difficult choice for I like all the blogs I follow. I wanted to choose from all areas of my interest and ended up with the following blogs. Please forgive me for my bias towards women, it was completely inadvertent

My nominees are:

It is not so easy toΒ define myself with all the letters of the English Alphabet. I am where I want to travel to !!Β I selected one place representing each alphabet that figures in my travel list. If you are still keen on knowing more about me then ” I am once upon a time workaholic, who lived in 7 countries and traveled to another dozen or more. Given an opportunity, I would love to wander from one corner of the earth to another tasting food, exploring nature, soaking cultures and meeting people. When not travelling and not working for a living, my days are defined by the 3 M’s (Mathematics, Music and Meditation).”

A Antartica, Addis Ababa
B Bratislava, Budapest
C Cairo
D Dar es Salam
E Edinburgh
F Finland
G Gold Coast
H Hanoi
I Istanbul
J Johannesburg
K Krakow
L Lhasa
M Marrakech, Mallorca
N Nice/Nova Scotia
O Osaka
P Phnom Penh
Q Queensland
R Reykjavik
S Samarkand
T Tel-Aviv
U UlanBator
V Valencia, Venezuela
W Wellington, Warsaw
X Β Some Place in China for sure, dont know where
Y Yangon
Z Zanzibar, Ziro

24 thoughts on “Awesome Blog Content Award

  1. aleafinspringtime

    Dear Sangeeta! Warm congratulations! Thank you so much for the nomination. It warmed my heart. Wishing you all the success and may you get to see all the wonderful places you have listed from A – Z! Warmest wishes, Sharon

  2. yogamardi

    Congratulations Sangeeta! I love reading your posts, and so enjoy the freshness of your insights. Also, a big thank you for the nomination:) It was such a wonderful surprise, and I feel very honoured. Your encouragement has inspired me to continue on this journey of writing, exploring and sharing… With much gratitude and Light, Mardi

    1. Sangeeta Post author

      Thank You. It was just an opportunity for me to express that I love what you write and do. I am on my way to get certified for teaching yoga and you are an inspiration !! Get going on the journey for who knows,our paths may cross some day.

      1. yogamardi

        I’m certain our paths will cross… sooner rather than later:) (And thank you for your kind words). Fantastic to hear you’re about to dive into teaching Yoga! A teacher of mine once reminded us, that it’s vital to share from a place where we β€˜choose to be of service’ – and with an open heart + mind, the rest will just flow… So, already I know that you’ll be a natural! Best wishes for your certification. I’d love to hear how it’s going… M

        1. Sangeeta Post author

          Thank you for all the encouragement. I am taking it as it comes rest I leave it to the universe. Your words are very refreshing and I can imagine how your students feel at the end of the class

  3. sandypics

    congrats sangeeta..and thank you so much for the nomination…i am going to get down to being worthy of it:)and i’ve told you before but here it is again..i love reading your posts…look forward to them…have a great weekend..

    1. Sangeeta Post author

      Jayanth…sweets and flowers to your words. I am grateful to you for the loyal follow and encouragement. Your words have made my day. Thank you friend. Wish you the best too πŸ™‚

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