Like millions of people around the world; I was in shock as I watched tragedy unfold when the massive earthquake shook Kathmandu. I have fond memories of this mountain city; where I spent my first year at work nearly 18…

Like millions of people around the world; I was in shock as I watched tragedy unfold when the massive earthquake shook Kathmandu. I have fond memories of this mountain city; where I spent my first year at work nearly 18…
Swayambhunath promounced as “Swa – yam- bhoo- nath” or the Self Created one is a famous stupa in Kathmandu. This stupa also known as the Monkey Temple is believed to have been built atop a self existent flame which also…
I revere fire be it the one in my belly which sustains me or the one in my heart that shows me the way or the one that I light every evening symbolically. Fire is one of the elements of nature…
Lord Buddha was born in Lumbini Grove on a full moon day in the month of April-May in 563 BC as Prince Siddhartha to Queen Maya Devi and King Suddhodana of the Shakya Clan. Lumbini is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site located in…