Woke up to the news of the passing into light of BKS Iyengar, the man who took Yoga to the world. It is the end of an era in the World Yoga Map. I have been a yoga practitioner for…

Woke up to the news of the passing into light of BKS Iyengar, the man who took Yoga to the world. It is the end of an era in the World Yoga Map. I have been a yoga practitioner for…
I always envy birds for their ability to just fly off any where without a care, no visa, no ticket and nothing to weigh them down. Sometimes, I feel that they have their emotional highs and lows, moments of fear,…
The sculpture with Surya Namaskar Cycle is a calming sight in the otherwise busy New Delhi T3 Terminal. I stopped for a while, watching the elegance of the poses and being a avid Surya Namaskar enthusiast loved the way, the…
What is a pilgrimage I often ask myself ? Is it a journey to a destination of religious and spiritual significance or is it something more. I went on a few pilgrimages with my grand mother during my growing up…
The last one year of blogging has taught me to actually live and breathe life as a vacation. I have enjoyed every moment in awareness, engraving memories of this life time. Sometimes it was the people who touched me, at…
Emotions are fragile and so are relationships. The other day, I experienced this uncontrolled barrage of tears coming now and then leaving a part of me in doubt, a part of me embarrassed and yet another part completely relieved. I…
I traveled from a young age since my father was very fond of visiting places and often took me along. Then there was a time when education took priority over everything else and life was a cocoon with books and…
Happy New Year Everyone !! Did your year 2014 begin with Resolutions, Intentions or you just left it blank for time to write on your behalf ? I sat with a pen and paper, not to write resolutions but to list…
I am not a gadget freak!!! More often than not am happy with a good functional working solution. I typically carry a tablet for writing notes and taking pictures during my travels, catching up on mails, browsing or playing around…
What makes a trip memorable? The sights, the food, the weather, the hotels, the experiences or the people who touch our lives. While all of them have the role to play, more often than not people leave a lasting impression.…